Monday 24 August 2009

Thank Brazil Fazenda Sao Judas Tadeu it’s Friday!

Episode 40

Coffee: Brazil Fazenda Sao Judas Tadeu
Special Notes: Pulped Natural UK Exclusive coffee
Cup Profile: Chocolate and cocao sweetness with a crunchie chocolate type honeycomb aftertaste

OK, I'll come clean, it isn’t Friday and I didn’t taste honeycomb in this coffee, but cut me some slack :-)

I’m not sure if the lack of honeycomb is a difference in the cup or in the mouth.  One thing to note is that I first tasted this coffee over a week after it was roasted, so even though the coffee was sealed for that period I am sure there was at least a small amount of ageing.  I tend to find it harder to detect those signature flavours as I get to the end of the bag, so perhaps something similar is going on here.

As for what I do taste, this coffee is all about aftertaste and mouthfeel.  The initial taste is bright and fresh, without being overly lively.  There is also a hint of tea in there, which I think might be a result of the natural process?  I will need to come up with a way of tracking such things at some point, but for now I’ll just put it out there and wait to get shot down.

Anyway, just as this coffee seems to be showing itself as a fairly run of the mill albeit pleasant coffee, it dissolves into one of the sweetest chocolaty aftertastes I have come across.   Think Galaxy melted in the mouth by a swig of coffee.  The way it coats the mouth is straight out of a Galaxy commercial too.  Smooth, silky, velvety, etc.  The difference between this and the bitter aftertaste that I used to associate with coffee is simply stunning. 

I’m not sure what goes into the judging of what makes a great coffee in official circles, but I am starting to think that finish should be considered one of the most important factors.  I am sitting on a train right now, but if I was at home I would definitely be thinking about brewing some more, as I have this lovely memory sitting in my mouth.  Of course in order form me to consider this to be a great coffee I would be looking for a better initial taste, but pair this finish with the best initial flavours, and I would be talking about something truly spectacular.

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